What Can A Bathroom Bring To A Home?

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Every homeowner picks a focus of the home. It’s just natural – not everyone has the resources to launch a full-scale renovation. Most of us have to do it bit by bit generally due to time and budget. We need to do it one room at a time in most cases, so usually, you’ll see one of two rooms undergo a renovation first. Unless there are some pressing issues in the lounge and elsewhere, you’ll find that it is the kitchen and bathroom that are revamped first. There are good reasons for this.

The kitchen and bathroom do a lot for a home, and they can add tremendous value but they are also signs of luxury and comfort. Of the improvements one can do to a home, it is the kitchen and bathroom that will add the most value to it. Glamorous kitchens and bathrooms can add prestige and if not that, they help make a house a home.

By most definitions – a bathroom is a room that will contain washing facilities and a toilet – sometimes it will just be washing facilities like a bath, shower and sink. Either way, you’ll have a lot to change with a bathroom, but the biggest changes you can make will be featured based.

However, you don’t need to go fancy with a bathroom renovation – we need simple washing facilities and features. If you want big impact, aim for little changes. Add some new taps to the sink for a better look, if you don’t want to go the whole hog and add a new sink altogether. A new sink bowl that stands alone and looks vibrant can add a lot to a bathroom! You could then add a utility in the form of a towel rail – or go the extra measure and add a heated version. As for other features, look to the shower or bathtub. Replace any shower curtains with a glass feature to deflect water which adds a better look overall. If your shower is old school, you may want to update it with a power shower version and a new shower head to replace a mouldy older version. You’ll need to work with a bathroom fitter for the best results, though and that can be a good option if the bathroom needs a revamp from top to bottom.

‘Renovating your bathroom can add value to your home’

Phil Spencer of the Telegraph estimates that a new bathroom adds almost three percent of total house value back into the home. It’s worth revamping the bathroom for that reason alone, really. But you can never underestimate the comfort that a well-laid out and designed bathroom full of features can bring to a household. It brings comfort – having a fully featured bathroom allows you to get clean and relax after a hard day at work, and it brings value. If you’re looking forward to a new home renovation – why not start with the bathroom?

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