How to Create a Consistent Theme for Your Blog and Instagram
We find that consistency plays a huge role in Branding 101. In order to successfully market your blog, you are looking to gain consumer trust, set yourself up as an expert in your niche and present a knowledgeable, consistent brand that people will come to recognise.
There are so many tools on the market to help you do this, and one of those is presets. You will find lots of free Lightroom presets to get you started and we’re going to explain a little bit more about what they are and why you should be using them to create a vital consistent theme for your blog and Instagram.
A little more about presets
A preset is basically a photo filter and it can be used across every image you display to give it a look and feel that is uniquely associated with your blog and Instagram grid.
If you spend any time at all browsing Instagram, you will notice that some bloggers and Instagrammers have professional looking aesthetics that seemed to draw you in whereas others feel homespun and have a mismatch quality.
You may just assume that this is because some companies are using professional photographers and others are taking the pictures themselves but that is not always the case. Some of the most professional images you will see will have been taken on a mobile phone camera and the preset is applied to give the look and feel that sets it up as professional.
When deciding on a preset for your company you need to think about your image and how you want to come across. Presets come in many different colours and styles: for some bloggers, it’s about creating an edgy modern look and feel, for others, it’s more romantic and flowery. With so many to choose from it is easy to achieve the perfect look for you.
So, what do you do with them?
Using presets could not be easier, with a one-click editing tool every image that you use on your blog or to your Instagram account or indeed any other online platform that you use, can have the desired, consistent look and feel that helps you build your brand. Again, consistency is vital, so take your time when choosing your preset as once you start establishing that mood you need to maintain it.
It is all about making that first impression count and ensuring that your blog purpose and message is conveyed in your images. For example, if you have a look at some of the influential travel bloggers on Instagram, you will see a bright and colourful preset being used as this fits the nature of their blog and brings out the best in the photo to draw you in.
The best way to ensure that you get a preset that works for you is to spend time doing your research, checking out the competition and having a look at Instagrammers who you admire for their consistency and ability to convey their message in images.
Images: Unsplash