Bath Time Magic for Little Ones with Good Bubble

There are times when bath time just seems like a bit of a chore, especially if it has been a long and stressful day. But, when you consider how quickly children grow, turning this around and making bath time magical gives you an opportunity to spend quality time with your baby. Having a bath before settling to bed is the perfect way to end the noisy daytime and transition into a quiet routine, thus encouraging better sleep. So, here are a few tips to create some bath time magic for your little ones.

Create the perfect environment

Depending on the temperature outside, it may be a good idea to warm the bathroom before you begin, also warm towels and pyjamas can make all the difference during the winter months. Coming out of a nice warm bath into cosy clothes will immediately enhance the feeling of sleepy and being ready for bed.

Choose products that are kind to skin

A paediatrician has approved every unique bath time product offered by Good Bubble as suitable for new-born skin. Even for babies who have sensitive or eczema-prone skin, they are dermatologically tested and approved by Allergy UK. So, whether you want to add some bubbles to the bath or wash hair with one of the fantastic shampoos, you can rest assured that over 3 years’ worth of skincare knowledge has gone into creating some perfect bath time magic.

As well as being kind and gentle for the skin the company is committed to sustainability and is helping climate change with fully recyclable bioplastic bottles. It is unusual to find pumps on bottles that can be recycled which is why these are such a revolution and the next big thing in packaging.

Bath toy fun

Bath toys create a fun way to spend your time and encourage them to feel confident with water splashing around. With you, entirely in control of the situation, you can get them used to being in the water and not panicking. You can use toys to begin your bedtime story routine, and Good Bubble have an amazing Gruffalo bath time set. This features a prickly pear hair and body wash, moisturiser and the Gruffalo himself to keep you company at bath time.

Baby massage

Once baby is squeaky clean, it’s time to wrap them in the soft, warm towel, and this is also the perfect opportunity for some baby massage. Again, this is a great way to settle them before bed and help them feel really relaxed. Using either baby moisturiser or baby coconut oil from Good Bubble, you can gently massage their arms and legs on even their back and front remembering always to rub the stomach in a clockwise motion. This will help moisturise and nourish the skin and protect against dry patches and nappy rash, as well as being a wonderful experience for your child. You could choose the Gruffalo moisturiser which has the same prickly pear extract as the bath package or go for something fragrance-free with Little Softy moisturiser.


Images: Good Bubble

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