5 Ways to Keep the Spark Alive
Being in a new relationship is fun and exciting and when that transitions into something long term, it is essential that you remember to look after each other. Paying bills, holding down jobs raising children all of these things are difficult for relationships, so you need to make sure you find ways to keep the spark alive.
Go on an adventure
There are so many new experiences out there for you to enjoy together, and adventure is exciting! Whether it’s jumping out of a plane for charity, travelling around the world, or merely trying a new restaurant venue, it’s essential to keep a relationship fresh by trying new things together.
Be alone
While this sounds counter-intuitive, you need something to bring to the table at the end of the day. It is important that you are a fully rounded person in your own right. This means it’s perfectly okay for you to have a girl’s night on him to go out with the lads, and even at this time of lockdown when socialising is difficult you should try and make time for friends. Maybe you can watch a movie in a virtual cinema gathering upstairs while he takes on some friends in a PlayStation battle royale downstairs.
Keep the bedroom sexy
When we spend a lot of time at home, it’s tempting to live in pyjamas, not really bother about self-care, and generally get stuck in a bit of a rut. It’s crucial to keep your bedroom fun and sexy and keep the spark alive. Why not try introducing some male sex toys into the bedroom, you can order them online and remember they are definitely not just for her but even more, fun when used by both of you. If the idea makes you nervous, just take it slow and be sure to keep the channels of communication open and remember it is okay for either of you to say stop.
Open communications
Often when you’ve been in a relationship for a long time, you tend to simmer rather than talk about a problem. It may seem trivial to get upset about laundry left on the floor or dishes left in the sink, but if it’s genuinely bothering you, it’s better to get it out in the open and clear the air. The relationships that last longest are those where channels of communication are open, and both parties can say precisely what they feel at any time. Also, don’t forget to say those three small words regularly. I love you can brighten someone’s day.
Date night
While this is harder again during the pandemic, you must make time for each other in the form of date night. If you have kids, perhaps a grandparent or auntie and uncle can come and babysit, even if all you do is head to the cinema to catch the latest release. There are plenty of deals available online for things like day spas, track races and lots of other fabulous events that can really help you spend quality time together.
Image: Unsplash