bedroom design

You’ll Have Sweet Dreams With These Bedroom Designs

We think it’s fair to say that the bedroom is one of the most important rooms in your home. It’s the place where you’ll get your beauty sleep and relax in the evenings. It might also be a good spot for watching TV, wrapped up in your duvets, all nice and cozy. Don’t forget the bedroom is also the place where you’ll get ready for the day ahead and perhaps even complete a spot of exercise. So, it’s certainly an important place, and that’s why you should think carefully about how you design it.

There are a lot of choices to consider when you’re designing a bedroom. But if you make the right choices, you’ll be able to create a bedroom that the sweetest dreams are made of.

Choosing The Colour

The colour of your bedroom is important because certain colours are psychologically soothing. That’s why you’ll find that they constantly pop up in hotels. Beige might be a rather dull colour but it’s one of the shades that does soothe the mind, and in doing so, it might just help you sleep. You should be careful about opting for a cream, bright white colour for your bedroom though. While this will certainly add to a minimalistic design, it can be quite distracting when you’re trying to sleep because it could stop your room being completely dark. Many people struggle to get a good night of sleep when there is even a hint of light in their room.

Of course, you don’t have to leave your room walls looking bare, even if you do choose a dull colour. There are plenty of ways to dress them up a little more. For instance, you might want to think about hanging some lanterns around your bed over the wall. In the evening, these will create some wonderful shadows on the wall. Or, perhaps, you want to add a beautiful decal to give your room some character. A perfect example could be a 3D open window that outside leads to a gorgeous meadow. In the right spot, this can look absolutely stunning.

bedroom design

The Main Attraction

The main attraction of your bedroom is obviously the bed and you have a lot of different choices here. Before we even start thinking about the mattress, you need to consider the frame. Low bed frames with leather covers can look stylish, modern and add to a minimalistic design. However, if you want something a little more grandiose, you might want to consider a rustic wooden bed frame that really stands out in the centre of the room. You can even try different fittings that match this type of style.

When you think about the mattress, it’s not about the look of the room but how it feels. Certain mattresses are going to be better for different types of people. With suppliers such as John Ryan by Design, you can choose the type of mattress you want whether you’d like a softer feel or even some edge support. You might instantly gravitate towards the idea of a memory foam bed, but that isn’t advised if you have a bad back. A firmer mattress will be far better for you.

bedroom design

Adding A Little Tech

There’s lots of tech that you can add to the bedroom that will make it a wonderful place for a snooze. Remember we mentioned how distracting light can be at night? Well, how about blinds that shut and open automatically. You can get this type of equipment online and have true blackout blinds in your bedroom, used by the late sleepers of LA. Or, perhaps you want to add a little more style to your bedroom?

For that, you might want to consider the purchase of an artificial wall fire. This could look incredible opposite your bed, and the colours will add some ambiance to the room at night.  Some systems even have speakers, replicating the roar of a wood fire in the corner of the room.

The final piece of tech? How about an artificial ceiling with stars twinkling in the sky above your head? For around two hundred, you can install this yourself, poking little fairy lights through. If you buy the right kit, this can look absolutely fantastic and the perfect way to drift to sleep after a long day.

Using some of these ideas, you can completely restyle and redesign your bedroom to make it look like a wonderful paradise, perfect for pleasant evenings and long sleeps. We hope you have sweet dreams with your new design.

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