Review | Creative Branding Ideas With Caketoppers

Who doesn’t love cake? Whether chocolate or a classic sponge takes your fancy, offering nibbles at an event is a quick win for engaging with people whilst they enjoy a tasty treat. With many small creative businesses often showcasing their services at local and regional events, exhibitions and festivals, what better way to get your name out there than embossing a cute cupcake in a unique way.

Recently British Style Society were introduced to a cake delivery specialist named Caketoppers who offer a range of cakes and edible toppers perfect for showing off your branding. You can of course decorate your cupcakes in a range of other ways including photos, novelty and special occasion themes. We couldn’t wait to see our British Style Society logo on a scrummy cupcake, take a look above at our branded examples.

This edible idea offers an innovative way to advertise your business and an affordable option for those special occasions including product launches and exhibitions where you are catering for a larger selection of people. It’s an effective and fun way to engage your audience and these cute cupcakes can work with anything from simple branding, special artwork or slogans dedicated to a specific event. Not only can you get your brand in front of customers, you can offer a selection of delicious treats, catering to different tastes.

Take a look at the Caketoppers website and check out a range of unique branding ideas.

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