New Year, New You With Mai Tai

Happy New Year!

What does 2017 mean to you? A new year, a new you?

For many, a new year is a new beginning. A chance for us to get it right! However, aside from well-intended resolutions, what has really changed to enable you to achieve something that you were not capable of twelve months ago?

A recent study reported that 35% of new year resolutions are aimed at losing weight or getting fitter. Yet over half of those resolutions will have been broken within just one month. Perhaps it is not the resolutions which are misguided, but the implementation. True success and wellbeing is only realised when both personal and professional goals are given a more holistic approach.

Is it time you seriously re-adjusted your work life balance?

At Mai Tai we understand the difficulties in achieving the perfect work life balance and our Mai Tai Balance membership is your solution. The brand is designed to give professional Londoners easy access to a range of exciting activities available in the capital. Benefit from flexible boutique gym passes, discounts for cool activities and access to Mai Tai networking events. Transform the way you meet people and discover awesome events in London.

Get Involved!

Adventurer: Head for the big sky and broaden your horizons. Sign up for water sports, horse riding, mountain biking or snow sports.

Competitive Sports: Take your winning streak straight from the boardroom to the badminton court. Be a winner in whatever you do.

Personal challenges: Success in your personal goals often translates to success in your professional goals! Choose from marathons, triathlons and hard core spinning classes.

Spiritual and Relaxing: Don’t forget to take some time for you, kick back and relax with a discounted spa day, yoga and reflexology.

We have already done all the hard work and are waiting to present you with a comprehensive range of wellbeing packages, guaranteed to make this year healthier and happier. We can help you stay motivated with our innovative approach to upgrading your city lifestyle and enrich your life with new experiences, new friends, new goals and new achievements.

What are you waiting for, we are ready to welcome you!

Click here to sign up.

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