Creating an Eco-Friendly Bathroom: Saving Money and The Planet
You may think that you don’t use that much water or electricity in your bathroom but on average you could be using up to 150 litres of water a day (source: which is rising each year.
Most people don’t tend to worry about their water wastage as it’s one of the most affordable utility bills that exist, but if we all did our bit and were a little more careful with our water usage our energy bills could drop significantly.
In this article, we will take a look at some of the steps needed to create a more sustainable bathroom that could save your pocket and the planet at the same time.
1. Reducing the flush volume and water consumption
To lower the 150-litre water average, we first need to look at reducing the volume of water that is used when we flush the toilet and the water used when bathing or showering.
If you have an old toilet (20+ years old) there is a good chance that it’s using more water than needed. Older toilets on average use around 12 litres of water per flush, whereas newer toilets tend to have a flush volume of 3 to 4 litres, which is a 3 or 4 times saving on the older toilet.
Imagine how much water you could save over a year if you were to replace your toilet with a more efficient flushing system.
Your shower and taps in your bathroom can also use too much water if they are not water efficient. These days there are special fixtures known as low flow fixtures which use less water while still getting the job done.
Low flow fixtures can be used on showerheads and taps, the only downside to using them is the water flows out of them at a slower pace and can take a little longer to use compared to conventional taps.
2. Install flow regulators
If you have little children at home that turn the taps on and forget to turn them off this could be the solution for you. Flow regulators can restrict the water usage to a set number such as 6 litres every time you turn on a tap or shower.
Flow regulators are easy to install and can work on older style basins too so you have no excuse when it comes to saving water in the bathroom.
If regulators seem a bit too restricting for you there is another option. Motion sensor taps are not new in the commercial space but many homes still do not have them. There are a few benefits of using a motion sensor tap, firstly you save a lot of water, think of how much water you waste just by turning the tap on, putting your hands under the tap and then turning it off again.
A motion sensor tap is also more hygienic than a standard tap. Think of when you have to reach for the taps when your hands are covered in dirt, not only are you spreading the grime onto your tap handles but germs can also live there too. A motion sensor tap gets rid of all of this.
3. Switch to LED lighting
Fed up of changing bulbs in your bathroom? LED lighting could be for you. Not only will they save you on your electricity bills but they also last up to 40 times longer than traditional bulbs.
A traditional bulb wastes up to 80% of its energy by losing it through heat, an LED, on the other hand, converts electricity into light at a massive 80% making it far more efficient than a traditional bulb.
LED bulbs are more expensive to buy but as they last 40 times longer and save you money, in the long run, it makes sense to switch to LED lighting when trying to create an eco-friendly bathroom.
Another benefit of using LED lighting is it comes in various sizes and shapes which can be used to give your bathroom more character. LED lights can be used in several creative ways which will make your bathroom more aesthetically pleasing.
Creating an eco-friendly bathroom doesn’t have to cost the world and it also doesn’t require a huge amount of effort either. We should all be a little more energy conscious and by making a few changes in our bathroom we can do our bit to help the planet too.
Images: Unsplash