Yogawear With BEHERE&LOVE
There we have it, the first month of 2017 is over. January is a month notorious for making and breaking New Year resolutions, so have you kept yours? With tons going on in the news of late, there’s no better reason to reflect on the past year and focus on the future. If like me you choose to hit the gym or get active to release that tension, the beginning of the year is a great time to try something different, something a little more calming and reenergising.
So I’m trying something I should have done for ages and immersing myself in the world of yoga. It’s not only helping my sore back (thanks to years of sitting at a desk), it’s easing that tension caused by everyday stresses. Yogawear or fitness clothing in general has seen an uplifting revival with a new era of athleisure and loungewear taking centre stage. These new trends don’t appear to be going anywhere fast and with the luxe side of fitness clothing featuring in many ranges, sportswear has taken on hints of chic, androgynous and futuristic qualities. We’re far from the realms of throwing on some trackkies and a loose top when working out, this season’s trends are hitting the high street as well as the gym.
With my focus on comfortable, practical and chic fitness clothing to wear whilst I take to the mat and sharing my love of British brands, I was recently introduced to the newly launched yoga brand BEHERE&LOVE.
BEHERE&LOVE combines the ease of yoga wear with a cool aesthetic. The collection is driven by the desire to give yoga wear an edge whilst still retaining the beauty & essence of the yogic spirituality. This philosophy runs throughout the collection so that every garment comes with its own valued lesson or piece of wisdom, however small. BEHERE pieces can be worn on the mat or on the way to the mat. After all ‘unrolling your mat can be half the battle.’ Claudia, BEHERE&LOVE’s founder conceived the idea on a yoga mat in Costa Rica during New Year 2012 but produces the clothing here in the UK with ethnically sourced/fair trade materials. Not only do you get fabulous ethical yogawear when purchasing from the collection, each garment sold includes a donation of £1 to Animal Aid Unlimited in Rajasthan, who rescue, treat and help thousands of injured or sick animals every year from the streets of Udaipur, India.
As we’ve mentioned in previous posts, ethical and sustainable clothing is starting to make its mark on the fashion industry and we’re excited to see what the future holds for these innovative brands.
Check out the website
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