How to Sweat it Out Safely This Summer

As the weather hots up, top Personal Trainer, David Wiener shares his top tips about training effectively in the summer sunshine:

Know your limits

Exercising in hot weather puts an extra strain on the body, so it’s really important to know your limits, and play close attention your body. If at any time you feel lightheaded, it’s best to stop training or significantly reduce the intensity until you’re feeling better. It’s also really important to remember that the hot weather will affect your workout, so don’t push yourself too hard, and take regular breaks so that your body can cool down.

Get kitted out

Opt for breathable, lightweight, and light coloured workout attire that permits sweat to evaporate, so that you can cool down effectively. Not only will these types of materials help you stay cooler during your workout, but they can help you avoid the skin irritation, breakouts, or heat rashes. It’s also vitally important to wear a hat when working out in the heat. I’d recommend the new Buff Pack Run cap which is made from breathable, sweat-wicking fabric which also offers SPF protection. Best of all it folds to the size of your fist, so won’t take up too much space in your kit bag.

Drink up

Guidelines state that you should be drinking between 6-8 glasses of water each day, which equates to around 2 litres. In the summer months, try to up this to around ten glasses to ensure you’re properly fuelling your body, especially if you’re working out. If you’re doing moderate exercise for less than an hour, water should be fine to ensure you do not become dehydrated, but anything more intense will require an isotonic sports drinks to guarantee you’re replenishing your body properly.

fitness tips for summer

Stay Protected

Protecting your skin from the sun’s harmful rays is extremely important to make sure you that you don’t burn. If space in your kit bag is at a minimum, I’d recommend Theye’s trio of micro sprays, which include a Sunscreen with SPF 30, a natural insect repellent, and a hand sanitiser in a space-saving credit card sized bottles.

Go early

It’s far cooler at dawn than it is at sunset, with higher levels of humidity towards the end of the day. An early morning workout is therefore always a better option in the hot weather. Working out in the morning will also set you up for the day and leave you feeling energised, so it really is win-win.

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