How To Know If You Have Hired The Right Person For Your New Role

When a business hires new talent, it can sometimes be difficult to know straight away whether or not they will fit the job description and the company. However, there are some red and green flags to look out for during their first week. 

Although it can feel harsh to criticise them, it will be beneficial for your business. 

From watching what the new starter wears to work on their first day to assessing their resume, here is how to know if you have hired the right person for the role.

See if they follow your rules

There are set rules that all employees should follow and respect when it comes to joining a new business team. For instance, you should always let a new starter know the dress code before their first day (if there is one) so that you can check in when they arrive to work and assess from there.

Simply testing them can prove to you whether or not they respect you. It is important to maintain respect for each other. Hence, if they follow your rules, then it will prove that they respect you and your business, which will prove that they are fit for your business.

Ask for opinions from a recruiter

It can often be a wise idea to work with recruiters when it comes to hiring new talent. They will know who will best fit the job description and your company. 

For instance, you might be a logistics firm looking for new warehouse workers. If so, working alongside Logistics Recruitment experts can help your company hire the right person to fulfil your job description. Although you will know to look for an individual with the right logistics experience, the recruiter will know more about the person before putting them forward for the interview stage. They will know the right person (with the right experience) that will bring the most ability and expertise to the role, as well as know if they will align with your business. 

Assess their character

Another top tip to know whether or not you have hired the right person for the new role is to assess their character. This can be difficult if the person is shy. However, you will soon get to know more about them if you spend time with them (inside and outside of the job). 

You could take them for lunch or for a coffee during their first few days to ask more questions about them. 

Furthermore, you can ask them to perform certain tasks. Little will they know that you are testing them to assess their ability and personality. 

It can be difficult to test a new starter and often, you will feel like you are being harsh. However, you will want to invest in the right people for your team to bring the best results. So don’t worry too much about feeling critical as it will be for the good of your company. Plus, you won’t want to waste the person’s time.


Image: Unsplash 

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