5 Great Tips On Dressing For Your First Day In A Brand New Job

So, you are starting a new job? First of all, congratulations! You are probably feeling a bit excited and nervous about your new role. One of the best ways to ensure your first day gets off without a hitch is by dressing to impress. After all, what you wear can give you confidence and make you feel comfortable – if you get it right, of course. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some top tips on dressing for your first day at a new job. 

Be comfortable

There is only one place to begin, and this is with being comfortable in what you are wearing. If you can’t walk in high heels, don’t wear them. You are never going to exert confidence if you feel uncomfortable all day long. Choose clothes that suit you, and that you feel great in. The most beautiful dress in the world can suddenly look bad if someone does not feel comfortable wearing it.

Find out what your co-workers wear

When starting a new job, you won’t want to stick out like a sore thumb. This is why it is a good idea to try and see what your co-workers are going to be wearing. This will help you to get an understanding of how formal everyone dresses.

Ask for a dress code

There is no harm in emailing your new employer to ask if there is a dress code. After all, it is better to be safe than sorry, and your employer will be happy that you are being so diligent. This is especially important in industries such as law, as experts like Origin Legal will tell you. Remember, you represent the business, so it is imperative to dress with this in mind.

Invest in an iron or a steamer

This may sound like an obvious point, but you would be surprised by how many people turn up to work with a creased shirt or suit jacket. This is never a good look. If you want your co-workers and employer to take you seriously, then you need to start taking life a bit more seriously. After all, your crumpled and creased shirt screams that you don’t really care.

Planning is key

Last but not least, being prepared can make a huge difference. Make an effort to plan your outfits the night before. There is nothing worse than having a mad dash around the house the morning before your first day at work. This is especially the case when you discover that your go-to pants are dirty. Make an effort to plan your outfit the night before and your first day at work will go a lot smoother.

Hopefully, you now feel more prepared for your first day on the job. If you follow the advice that has been presented, you should feel comfortable and confident. It is important to strike the perfect balance between being yourself and being professional. Once you have mastered this, you can’t go wrong. 


Image: Unsplash 

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