From Ordinary To Extraordinary: Elevate Your Look With Scott Harris Glasses
Eyewear fashion has indeed taken a different route as opposed to the past. With the different frames, styles and colours on the market, many folks now heavily rely on eyeglasses to make a fashion statement. And the truth is, it’s the easiest way to soften your appearance.
The Scott Harris brand is one of the best in the eyewear industry, and it is home to different types of quality eyeglasses. Given the effort this eyewear brand puts into its design and craftsmanship, it’s clear it adopts an individualistic fashion style.
It’s always about the individual. It’s always about YOU.
The importance of eyewear in personal style
“The eyes are windows to the soul.” That regular biblical statement is even more obvious in eyewear fashion. The fact is, your clothes, shoes, and hairdo aren’t the only things that show your fashion style. And fashion is simply an extension of your personality.
Just as earrings and other types of jewellery are expressive, so are your glasses. It all depends on what you are comfortable with. If you are a lover of timeless fashion styles, it’s best you go for vintage glasses. The make of these types of spectacles is inspired by timeless, classic styles.
However, if you consider yourself a trendsetter, colourful glasses with oversized frames seem the perfect option. Many folks prefer such glasses as they enhance their face’s features and their personality just the way they want it.
For those that prefer the minimalist style coupled with functional designs, wire-framed or rimless glasses seem like the right fit. It all depends on what you like and what suits your personality. Nothing beats wearing what you feel comfortable in, as this ensures your confidence.
Exploring The Scott Harris Collection
The CoolFrames Scott Harris glasses collection is home to many types of glasses with different frames, colours and styles. Here they are.
The Scott Harris Vintage
Lovers of classic fashion styles prefer these types of glasses. It features realistic vintage designs coupled with modern-day specs such as nose pads and screws. The vintage collection comes with different frames and colours. There are unisex, male and female options.
Vintage glasses are one of the most preferred types in the Scott Harris eyewear brand. That “retro feel” it gives makes the whole difference. The Scott Harris Vintage can also be adjusted to fit your prescription lenses.
So, if you have any vision disorder, it doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your fashion style and preference. That’s the beauty of modern eyewear fashion.

The Scott Harris Underground
The Scott Harris Underground is also another group of glasses in the collection. Just like the vintage, it also carries with it a “retro feel.” Some of the Scott Harris Underground glasses are unisex, some are for males, and the rest are for females.
Plus, it is also compatible with prescription lenses. So, no worries if you have visual problems.
The Scott Harris Pulse
The Scott Harris Pulse is known for fitting any nose shape, ensuring comfort. Just like the Vintage and Underground, these types of glasses come in different colours and styles. It is also compatible with prescription lenses, making it fit for those with vision disorders.
At CoolFrames, Scott Harris glasses are displayed for you to really check out. One of the significant things about this eyewear brand is there are tons of options that match a wide range of people’s fashion styles and preferences.
How Scott Harris can enhance your everyday look
Glasses of the distant past can’t be compared with present-day ones. And that’s because modern eyewear fashion has blended functionality with fashion in perfect style.
Glasses of the past were worn strictly for vision corrective measures. There was no concern about how fitting it looked. This even made the wearers look older than they really were. But in this modern fashion age, the Scott Harris brand offers something much better.
There are many eyeglasses in the Scott Harris collection that are compatible with prescription lenses. Plus, they still give the wearer a chance to choose his/her fashion preference.
The Scott Harris brand understands the need for being personal in fashion style. Thus, its glasses are designed in that regard, with some adjustable add-ons.
The fashion benefits of Scott Harris glasses
There are numerous fashion benefits involved in wearing Scott Harris glasses. They include:
· There are groups of many eyeglasses you can choose from
· Many eyeglasses are compatible with prescription lenses
· There are glasses for different occasions and activities
· Color isn’t much of a problem as many eyeglasses have various colours to choose from
· All glasses in the Scott Harris collection are made from sustainable materials.
Scott Harris is among the best brands in the eyewear industry. And its eyeglasses are quite unique.
Top image: Unsplash