Feeling Stressed? Take a Look At 3 Ways To Manage Your Stress Levels

A UK-wide stress survey found that almost three-quarters of adults felt so stressed they were overwhelmed or felt unable to cope in the last year. 81% of responders were women in the study commissioned by YouGov.

Stress is real and it’s not going away anytime soon.

We know that long-term stress can seriously affect our mental health, but it also has an impact on our metabolism, sleep, digestion, fertility – you name it the nervous system rules it, so the effects are literally universal.

None of this is really surprising given that we have to juggle job, family commitments, relationships friends as well as navigating social media and finding time for ourselves – does that even happen?

Let’s face it – busy modern lives are likely to remain so, medical herbalist, Pamela Spence shares her top tips for getting out of overdrive to ensure you live the life that you really want to have in 2020.

Eat regularly

For women, this should be three-hourly because any more time without food and your adrenals are likely to have to release adrenaline so that your liver will release a type of sugar to keep your blood sugar levels up. Since adrenaline is one of the key drivers of the stress response, this is like adding fuel to the fire. A handful of nuts and seeds three-hourly whether you feel like it or not can really help break the cycle.

Get focussed

Take 10 minutes every morning to note down your three priorities for the day and a list of tasks that MUST be done. Ditch everything else and just keep a note of it for later. Use your list to keep you on track when you lose focus. End your day having achieved your list rather than stressing about all the things you can’t. There are plenty of journals out there to help. I use ‘The High Performance Planner’, and it has changed the way I work but have a look around and see what is best for you.

Drink herbs

If you have been working under constant stress, your adrenals will be needing some TLC. Cut back on high caffeine drinks (which stimulate your adrenals more) and use alternatives to fuel your day. Blends like Twinings Focus help when you need concentration and clarity, relaxing blends like Pukka’s Relax are helpful when you want some time out. Sleep blends are plentiful and very helpful when you are finding it hard to switch off.

Of course, medical herbalists have access to a wide range of herbs not available over the counter and can tailor a remedy specific to you and your needs.

If you have an underlying health condition, do check in with your local medical herbalist who will also be able to give you expert advice on safely supporting your body with herbs. Look for members of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists to ensure proper clinical training, ethical standards and ongoing CPD.


Image: Unsplash 

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