A Virtual Assistant or a Personal Assistant – Which is Best for Your Requirements?

When we think of assistants, we think of a person who takes charge of all the nitty-gritty in our lives – from scheduling appointments and meetings to taking care of responsibilities like shopping. Assistants can provide an invaluable service that makes your busy and demanding lifestyle easier to bear. But nowadays, there is the question of deciding between the two kinds of assistants – the personal one or the virtual one.

Which one should you go for, and which will benefit you the most? Which one is best for your requirements? Here’s how to choose between a VA or a PA.

Know the difference

Working with a personal assistant

When you think about getting an assistant, the first question you should answer is what type of work your assistant will do and how you prefer to communicate with them. For instance, is it vital that you speak to your assistant directly, or are you okay with giving them their instructions remotely? Do you use many non-verbal language and cues when communicating with your assistant? If you are like this, it’s better to get a PA.

It works if you like coordinating with your assistant all the time. The work you require entails organising files and documents, manning your reception desk, or attending conferences and meetings with you. There is also more security when handling sensitive data and information. Since your PA works in the office with you, they have a better understanding of what you need, and you will be able to establish a closer bond with them. Over time, those who work with personal assistants turn to them whenever they need advice for their business affairs.

Working with a virtual assistant

There are two main ways you can find a virtual assistant – you can find one freelance, or you can find one at a virtual assistant agency (the latter works better because the agency often provides unique training for the VAs).

When it comes to virtual assistants, they work remotely, so you don’t have to make room or find space for them to work in your office. It is often a lot more inexpensive than going the PA route since you don’t have to buy office equipment and hardware for them. Another big plus is that your virtual assistant can work full-time or part-time – essentially, their hours are flexible, which is a big deal for those who operate globally – you will have someone ‘manning the booth’ even if you are asleep!

Along with this, virtual assistants nowadays are well-skilled and trained at a variety of work – of course, they can still do administrative duties and tasks (which is the number one reason people hire them, after all), but they can also do several other tasks, such as take care of your e-commerce needs, do research for your company, and even take charge of your social media accounts, your website, blog, and SEO requirements. They are also ideal if you need a boost in the workplace and only need an assistant for a project or the short term. A virtual assistant is often cheaper as well – not only can they work per hour, you don’t have to worry about their holiday or sick leaves.


Image: Unsplash 

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