6 Useful Tips For Visiting Turkey For The First Time

If you’re about to take your first-ever trip to Turkey, then you should take a look at these top six tips from what to pack and understanding the location to help you make your trip the most unforgettable and relaxed experience you possibly can.

Do your research

Before any trip, you should spend some time doing research on the place you will be visiting. Work out what sites you want to see and prioritise any that you feel you just can’t miss. Work out if you need to book tickets in advance to anything or if you can turn up and buy your tickets on the day. Have a plan for what you’ll do in case of an injury to ensure you receive proper healthcare and compensation. Plan an itinerary so that you can fit in everything you want to do and so that you know what the structure of your days is going to look like and reduce stress and unexpected surprises on your holiday.

Learn some key words and phrases

Before jetting off to Turkey for the first time, it is always recommended that you take time to learn some key phrases and words to help you on your trip. Learn the Turkish words for things such as “hello,” “goodbye,” “thank you,” and “please”, and make sure to write them down in case you forget during your time away! If you have any allergies or special requirements you might need to communicate on your trip, then it would be a good idea to write these down in Turkish too and practice saying them just in case of emergency.

Get travel insurance

While pickpockets and crime are less likely occurrences in Turkey than in many other tourist destinations, it is still worth getting some travel insurance before you set off, just in case the worst happens. This is important as it helps to protect you from any unexpected financial burdens, such as the cost of health care in another country or cover for lost or stolen items. Travel insurance is essential for any trip you go on, and it can save you thousands if anything were to go wrong on your trip.

travelling on a budget

Respect the culture

Culture is extremely important in Turkey, and you should do everything you can to respect this culture on your travels. Take time to find out the customs and the correct way to conduct yourself in public in the parts of Turkey you will be visiting, and find out about any local rules or social norms that could keep you safe or stop you from saying the wrong thing.

Dress appropriately

This tip comes under the umbrella of the previous one. However, it is extremely important in Turkey, so it is worth its own mention. Turkey is quite a liberal country, and the people there are fashionable and elegant. You can, in most cases, wear what you are comfortable in, but there are some situations when you may be asked to cover up. For example, in some more conservative areas or in mosques, you will need to cover your head at all times, so it can be wise to bring a scarf or some kind of head cover with you to adhere to these rules. Also, the weather in Turkey can get very hot, so be sure to bring a sun hat and sunscreen to protect you, especially if you are spending the whole day outside exploring the beautiful cities.

Carry cash – no atm machines

The final and possibly most important piece of advice if you’re planning a trip to Turkey for the first time is to carry cash with you. Outside of the main cities, there are often no ATM machines to be found, and even within cities, ATM machines can be difficult to use. Save yourself some stress by bringing enough cash with you for your holiday.

Images: Unsplash

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