4 Tips For a Smoother Tech Life When Travelling
There’s much to be said for travelling without technology. It’s just you, your wits, and the open road, and that can be a real adventure. However, we shouldn’t fall into the trap of thinking that travelling is always better when it’s all-natural, because that’s not true. Used correctly, which essentially means simply not always staring into a screen, technology can add a lot to your travelling adventures. But it won’t just come effortlessly; to get things right, you’ll need to incorporate some tips into the tech aspect of your travels. We take a look at a few below.
Pack sensibly
It takes time and a pinch of skill to know how to pack properly for a travelling adventure. How many times do we end up in a destination with far too many clothes? The same goes for our tech. Sometimes, we pack our smartphone, our tablet, a laptop, and really, that’s just too much. Think about what you’ll realistically need because you’re going to be carrying it with you when you’re on the move (and also worrying that everything is safe). You’ll be likely to use a tablet but probably won’t get much use out of a laptop. In any case, you don’t want to become too dependent on tech when you’re travelling, but that’s just what’ll happen if you have everything with you.
Keep things safe
You’ll find it easier to enjoy your trip if you’re not always worrying that your expensive pieces of tech are safe. As such, it’s important that you’re taking steps to keep things secure. For instance, don’t carry more than you need around with you. Instead, look at storing things in your hostel or hotel. Don’t keep your smartphone in your back pocket or anywhere easily grabbed, and be mindful of where it is when you’re sat down, especially if you’re in a spot known for pickpockets.
WiFi Issues
It’ll be of little use taking your tech with you if you’re not able to use it properly. If you can’t connect to the internet, then you’ll be lugging around an expensive item that you’re not even using (unless you’re using it to write and edit videos). So do your best to have a plan for your internet. You can get a global sim card, and use your data to get online. You should also book accommodation that has wifi included. Because getting online in different areas can be tricky, you’ll need to know some troubleshooting options, such as how to locate your IP address – you can learn how at https://setapp.com/how-to/find-ip-address-on-mac. It’s also best to avoid connecting to free public WiFi to ensure your sensitive information is secure.
Uploading photos
One problem people have is that they run out of space on their phone when they’re travelling. They take too many photos and videos! Before you go, look at investing in cloud storage, and periodically upload (and then delete) the photos from your phone. You’ll always have space to take a few more.
Top photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash