Over the past few weeks we’ve been on the quiet side. I’m excited to announce that after our short sabbatical and some revamping of our website we’re back but with a little difference.
Welcome to the British Style Society
British Style Bloggers is now the British Style Society. It’s a small but exciting change, widening our content for our fabulous audience. We will also be showcasing our creative hub with useful information for the style industry, all the way from designers and bloggers to stylists and models. The site will also feature tons of fashion and lifestyle news too and we’re opening up our topic range to include lifestyle features incorporating stylish interiors, gifts and travel.
Today we’ve officially launched and our fabulous community and readers will see some new interesting topics and articles over the coming months. We’ll be on the hunt for the latest from the fashion, lifestyle and travel sectors incorporating reviews, upcoming brands and our love of anything stylish. There will be tons of special features and we’ll also be looking at conversational pieces to get your talking about the creative industries. Our creative hub will showcase a range of information for budding creative talent. We’ll be offering industry advice, interviews and course information for a wide range of creative careers. Editor Natasha will also be showcasing her top picks and reviews in a dedicated blog ‘The Style Edit’ so you can check out her favourites from fashion to interiors.
Our team will be attending lots of events, not only spanning the fashion industry but key events in the lifestyle, travel and media sectors to bring you up to date news and happenings from around the UK. We will also be teaming up with some amazing people to bring you great offers and information, starting with our first partnership announcement tomorrow. So keep your eyes peeled!
We’re so excited for the continued development of the British Style Society and would love to welcome everyone to take a look and join our fantastic community to stay up to date with the latest news, offers and opportunities available. Just pop your details in the box in the sidebar and join the fun today.
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