Courses You Surprisingly Don’t Have To Study On Campus

Online courses have become a popular alternative to traditional on-campus courses. You can study these courses from anywhere in the world – which makes it easier to study around commitments like a job or family. 

Not all courses can be studied entirely online. Some require a certain amount of in-person training or assessment, while others are reliant on the use of tools and equipment at a campus. That said, technology such as live video and cloud computing has made it possible for the majority of coursework and assessments to be carried out over the web if necessary. Here are just a few surprising examples of courses that you don’t have to study on campus. 


Most of us assume that, to obtain a music degree, you need to attend a music college in person. However, this isn’t necessarily true – many prestigious universities are now providing online music courses. Classes and lectures are recorded via live video, giving you the option to attend them from home. Meanwhile, one-on-one live video sessions can be carried out to assess live music performances or give feedback. It could be vital that you have a certain quality microphone and that music is recorded in a certain environment in order for your music performances to be assessed properly. You will likely have to buy a microphone of a certain quality and may be expected to invest in certain music production software too. Meanwhile, some colleges may insist that certain performances are assessed in person – either at the college you are enrolled at or another local college or appropriate local venue. This is so that the music can be assessed with the utmost clarity. Make sure to look into this before choosing an online music course. 


Drama is another subject that involves performing – and therefore may seem like a subject that needs to be studied in person. But, as with music, it’s possible to study drama online using tools like live video. A lot of the technical stuff such as text analysis and theatre terminology can be taught through recorded seminars or written materials, while one-on-one live video sessions can be used to teach and assess physical acting techniques. Such courses may even include more emphasis on screen acting to take advantage of the use of video. Group projects are typically harder to carry out and assess with remote students  and may not be included in an online drama degree. Others may require you to attend some group sessions in a local college. 

Personal training

Personal training is very physical. But as many celebrity personal trainers demonstrated during the pandemic, it is possible to teach exercises virtually – and therefore also possible to teach personal trainers virtually. Online personal trainer courses typically include a mix of e-learning materials and recorded webinars that can teach all about different muscle groups and how to exercise them. When it comes to assessments, some online PT courses simply allow you to record a session via video at your local gym to demonstrate your skills. As a result, such courses can be completely entirely online.


Nursing is very hands-on and therefore may not seem like the type of subject you can study online. However, online nursing courses do exist. In fact, they are very popular among those with kids wanting to get into nursing. Technically, these courses aren’t exclusively studied online – they still involve a local clinical placement where much of the hands-on care methods are taught and assessed. However, lectures, readings and written assignments can all be carried out online. Some courses may even allow you to demonstrate certain nursing skills via video on friends or family. You should take the time to compare online nursing courses in order to find one that is most suitable for you. 

Photo by Lewis Keegan on Unsplash


You can also study medicine online. Live video lectures and seminars can be used to teach anatomy and the effects of different treatments, while virtual assignments can be used to test medical terminology. That isn’t to say that you can become a doctor just by studying online – in-person lessons at medical school and clinic placements are still required before you can obtain your license. However, the initial course in medicine can be taught entirely virtually. This enables aspiring doctors to broaden their options when it comes to where to study – potentially even considering medicine courses abroad. Medicine courses could also allow you to consider other jobs like medical research, medical sales and public health work.


Online photography courses could be an option for those that want to study photography. While a lot of photography involves visiting different locations and meeting different people, it does not necessarily involve having to travel to a campus. Photographs typically don’t need to be assessed in person – you can simply share them via the cloud. Meanwhile, photography techniques and terminology can all be taught via virtual seminars and lectures, along with other e-learning resources. Such a course could give you the skills to pursue all kinds of photography-related careers. 


Videography courses can also be studied online. In such courses, you can study film, TV and other videos to learn techniques. You then get to record and direct your own videos – which can be shared online to be assessed. Studying online does mean that you won’t be able to do group projects with other students. However, you’ll otherwise get the same learning experience as students on campus. When choosing a videography course, make sure to choose one that is relevant to your target career. Some may be more centred around TV and film, while others may be more focused around marketing or journalism. 

Fine art

Distance learning is also an option for fine art degrees. Students can learn about different artistic techniques and movements online through e-learning resources. When it comes to creating art, painting and sculptures can be worked on at home in your own time. These can then be photographed and these photographs can be shared online to be assessed. Some art colleges may require work to be examined in person at a local college, which is something to look into. Other courses may take advantage of the digital aspect and may include specialist modules on digital art such as digital illustration or 3D modelling – all of which can be easily taught and assessed online. 


A few universities have now started offering garden design courses. These teach advanced horticultural and landscaping techniques. While you may think that this is a course that has to be taught in person, several online courses prove that this is not the case. Aspects like technical drawing and plant properties can be taught entirely online. When it comes to demonstrating your learning and getting assessed, designs and drawing may be all that are needed to showcase your skills. However, other courses may require you to take photos of a garden space you have physically designed with photographic proof of the various stages. Check out different courses to see exactly what is required.


Farming is another very hands-on job. However, agriculture courses typically don’t assess hands-on skills, instead educating you on science, technology and economics behind farming. This makes it possible to study an agriculture course online without having to do any in-person assessments. There are several universities across the UK that provide online agriculture courses. These are a great option for those that want to get into farming, or related industries such as food science and agricultural engineering. It’s worth noting that you don’t have to study an agricultural degree to get into farming.

Top photo by Luke Lung on Unsplash

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