Enter our Blog of the Month competition | April 16

So it’s that time of the month again where we open up the nominations for the British Style Bloggers – Blog of the Month.

March saw the lovely Jill from I Wear my Wages take the coveted spot in our sidebar and this month we’d love to feature you.  So what do you have to do to enter our Blog of the Month competition?

Just pop your nomination in the comments under this post, it can be your own blog, a friends blog or just one you find super fantastic.  Don’t forget to let your nominations know too so we can share the love with everyone.

british style bloggers

So here’s the schedule for our British Style Blogger – Blog of the Month April 16

Nominations open: 4th – 20th April

Shortlist published: 23rd April

Winner announced: 30th April

We love hearing and seeing every fashion and style blog out there and want to celebrate the community with the recognition it deserves.  So get your thinking caps on and start nominating your favourites for the British Style Bloggers – Blog of the Month April 16.


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