With so many people on the blogging scene now, it’s ever more important to showcase what is niche or special about you and your content. Sometimes the technical side of blogging can feel like a minefield so we’ve got some great advice from the experts on how to create an effective and SEO friendly blog post with some really easy and quick tips to help you optimise your blog’s performance.
Now we know it’s not just all about the numbers and creating relevant, interesting and unique content is key to engaging your audience but take a look at a few of the pointers below from Farhad Koodoruth, founder of Threepipe which can help you create great blog posts especially if you have a strong image lead fashion blog.
Have you got the right keyword ratio?
Good ranking depends on several different aspects and a particularly important one is keyword density. Not enough keywords in your content will lead to less ranking, however too much will lead to over optimisation.
It’s good to outline a ratio or a percentage for yourself and make sure you stick to it, for example 5% of your post will contain keywords. You want to always ensure the article stays relevant to the subject and sometimes stuffing too many keywords in can steer the story on a different path.
A good approach is to write your post, then read over it and select relevant places you can slot in keywords that won’t make the article read too much like jargon and won’t distract the reader from the main point.
Format blog post images for SEO
Search engines are getting smarter and because of this achieving good ranking is more complex than it used to be. Quality content is no longer enough, there are several factors to be considered. Probably the most important is on-page optimisation and a major building block for this is image SEO optimisation.
Strong imagery is a vital component of a webpage and when used correctly it can get across the same message as a paragraph of words in just one glance. There are a few considerations to be taken into account for selecting the right one:
This is vital as to not confuse the audience. For example showing them an image of a shoe when talking about handbags.
Alt Tag
Perhaps the most important factor for image optimisation. Alt is short for alternate and the tag will be the text shown if the image doesn’t load properly or is taking too long. Keep them short, concise and search engine friendly.
If an image is too large then it’ll slow down the general loading of a webpage. If it takes more than 10 seconds to load then readers will become uninterested and click away from the page. Keep them low in bytes.
Title tag and image linking
Title tags provide a tool tops when you hover the mouse over the image link so make sure to use SEO friendly words and descriptions. Also, never link your image directly – use a relevant description as it will really help your SEO, especially when including images in a guest post or if another website is hosting an article that links back to your site.
File name
Like keywords for webpage URLs, file names are important for images. They help determine relevance so it’s important to avoid standard image names such as ‘00021.jpeg’ and instead name them something relating to the article.
So if you remember to add these little extras in when creating your fashion blog posts, it’ll help you boost your great content!