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Newborn Basics: Taking The Best Care Of Your Newborn

Newborn Basics: Taking The Best Care Of Your Newborn

Becoming a first-time parent is exciting yet often daunting. There are lots of things to learn, which can feel overwhelming. 

All you need to know are the basics. The internet and social media platforms are full of too much information, which boggles your brain and causes anxiety. You don’t need to stress; the basics are enough to make any baby happy and healthy. 

Here, you can discover the baby basics to take the best care of your newborn baby.

Getting your newborn to sleep without being held

It can feel tiring and draining if your newborn won’t sleep unless held. Although you might not mind a contact nap every few days, you must hold them and not do anything else while they sleep. Newborns need a lot of sleep, so if you rely on being held to get to sleep, it will take most of your time. 

Some things to try include:

  • Develop a solid sleep routine. When you arrive home with your baby, you will want to develop a solid sleep routine. Turning down the lights, making the room warm, and settling them in their cot will make them aware that it is time to sleep. Hence, they will associate the feeling and space as the place to sleep (not always in your arms).
  • Put them down when they are drowsy. When you notice your baby becoming drowsy, you should set up their sleep environment and put them down. They might settle, they might not. It is always worth trying it to see if they will settle without you holding them.
  • Avoid feeding your baby to sleep. Most parents who notice their baby won’t sleep unless they are held make the rooky mistake of feeding them to sleep. You will need to hold them to feed them, which will result in them falling asleep in your arms. While you might try to put them down, it might not work. It is best to feed them and then put them to sleep to avoid needing to hold them for an hour or two.

Practice personal hygiene

While you might be a hygienic human, you need to be more cautious with a newborn. Any germs and bacteria lingering around the home or on your skin can engage with the baby and cause illnesses. These germs are invisible (and might be harmless to you), so you must be careful.

It is recommended that you wash and sanitize your hands often and use antibacterial products (baby-safe) to wipe surfaces. A cleaner home and parent will maximize their health and safety.

Learn how to manage stress

Dealing with stress during the arrival of your newborn baby isn’t ideal. You need to be calm and attentive to provide the best care. 

For example, you might need to learn how to manage stress during legal family matters. If these issues are ongoing during the introduction of your newborn child, you need to learn how to stay calm. A newborn baby will not deal well with a stressful parent looking after them. They need attention and care 24/7. 

To de-stress and be focused on your child, try:

  • Less screen time. Being on your phone too much isn’t good for your brain. Reducing your screen time is necessary so you can maximize focus and time with your baby. 
  • Self-care rituals. Although you have a baby to care for, you still need to care for yourself. Practicing quick self-care rituals throughout the week (which you can do when you put the baby down to sleep) can help you be more attentive and focused. You could meditate, journal, take a relaxing shower, or read. 
  • Speak to someone. When you are dealing with stress, it is best to let it out. Confining in someone can help you release your inner worries and seek advice and support.
Photo by Harry Grout on Unsplash

Always support your newborn’s head and neck

Newborns cannot hold up their own heads. Always supporting their head and neck is necessary to support their spine. 

When you pick them up from their sleeping position, be sure to position one hand securely behind their head and neck to give them full support when you lift them. Meanwhile, do the same when you hold them (or support their head and neck with your arm).

Never shake your newborn

Newborns are extremely delicate and must be handled with care and softness. You must never shake your newborn, as this can cause all kinds of issues. 

When you feel stressed or frustrated, calm down before caring for them. It is best to practice de-stressing and self-care rituals to remain as calm and focused as possible. 

Regular and routine feeding

A great tip for first-time parents is to feed your newborn regularly and routinely. A newborn’s correct feeding is one of the most crucial components of their care. Eating should occur every two to three hours for newborns, whether they are breastfed or fed formula. 

Antibodies and vital nutrients from breastfeeding can shield your child from illnesses. If you decide to breastfeed, make sure you are comfy and that your baby is latching on properly. Also, make sure you’re feeding your formula-fed baby according to the directions on the package, including how much and how often to feed them. 

To avoid gas and to lessen discomfort, always hold your baby upright during and after feedings. Make sure they are burped after every feeding.

Monitor your baby’s health

It’s critical to monitor your newborn’s health during the first few weeks of life. Having your infant checked out by a pediatrician on a regular basis will help you track their growth and development. Recognize common newborn problems, including reflux, colic, and jaundice, and know when to consult a doctor. 

Ensuring your infant is warm without becoming overheated is also crucial. Layer their clothes and make any necessary wardrobe adjustments based on the temperature of the room. 

Enhance their development through play

Your baby is ready to begin using their senses to discover the world even at a few weeks old. Talking, singing, and gentle play are simple ways to encourage your baby’s cognitive and physical development. 

Under supervision, tummy time is recommended every day to strengthen your baby’s neck and shoulder muscles. Soft, colourful toys with mild noises are a great way to keep your baby’s interest while promoting their visual and aural development.

Bonding emotionally while your newborn

For your newborn’s emotional development, you must form a strong bond with them. Talking, gently rocking, and skin-to-skin contact are all effective strategies to deepen your bond with your child. In addition to providing comfort, holding your infant close and attending to their screams fosters a sense of security and trust in them. 

Asking friends or family for assistance when you’re feeling overwhelmed is nothing to be ashamed of. It’s critical that you look after yourself because a well-rested and healthy parent is better able to care for a newborn.

Making them clean and comfortable

It’s not necessary to bath your newborn every day; two to three times a week will do for the first few months. Until the umbilical cord stump falls off, sponge baths are advised. To bathe your baby, use lukewarm water and a mild soap designed specifically for babies. 

After the bath, make sure to dry them thoroughly, paying close attention to any wrinkles in their skin. Changing nappies frequently will keep your baby comfortable and prevent diaper rash. Wipe the diaper area with a soft cloth or unscented baby wipes. 

  • This article is for informational purposes only.

Top photo by Aditya Romansa on Unsplash