How to De-Clutter Your Home

There comes a time when your favourite pair of sunglasses from five years ago becomes junk. We all have similar items that we hold on to. You know, just in case there’s a need for five pairs of sunglasses in one day. When enough is enough and you come to the realisation that you need to have a clear out, making decisions can be tough. You don’t have to be a hoarder to find decluttering a challenge. Here are some tips for getting it done quickly.

Know Why You’re Doing It

Are you trying to make more space? Do you have things to sell? Are making room for new things? When you know why you’re doing it, it will be easier to stay on track. You may come across items that make you reminisce and you’ll waste an hour just staring into space, reliving certain moments. But, if you have a goal in mind, it will make things a whole lot easier.

Be Cut Throat

If you’re a sentimental person, you’ll probably have lots of things that bring up memories for you. That’s sometimes why it’s so difficult to part with things. If you’re determined to have a clear out, you need to be ruthless. Store away the things that mean the most to you and either sell or throw out the rest. If you really can’t do it but you need to de-clutter desperately, consider using Squab Storage. It’s the best way of keeping things that mean something to you without having to take up valuable space in your home.

Start by Size

When your de-cluttering, it’s best to start with the big stuff first. Are you sick of your coffee table? Put it in the boot of your car ready for a trip to the skip. Make your way down to smaller items like photo frames and ornaments and leave your clothes and accessories for last. If you’re finding it really difficult, you could start with something simple, like DVD’s and CD’s. Even if you’re fan of the movies and music, it’s a much better option to get digital copies because they won’t take up space.


Tackling a full to bursting wardrobe is no-one’s idea of fun. The main rule when it comes to clothes is to ask yourself, how often do you wear it? You may have items you want to keep for different seasons, but if you haven’t worn something for more than a few months, it’s safe to throw it away. The same goes for jewellery and accessories. There may be things you need to save for special occasions, but more often than not, if you’re not using it, you don’t like it. Here’s some tips on tackling on your wardrobe.

Keep it Up

There’s no point in de-cluttering if you go out and buy more clutter. It’s something you need to maintain if you don’t want to be in the same position again. Find thirty minutes every fortnight to go through your home and tackle any cluttering problems. If you keep up with it, you won’t have any mammoth tasks on your hands in the future.

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