British Style Bloggers is now on Youtube

british style bloggers youtube

Video is a a great way to share content especially for fashion bloggers that attend great events and blogging socials.  So for us here at the British Style Bloggers, we thought we’d join the fantastic vlogging community and bring you some events that we’re covering and anything we think is film worthy.

Now newbies to this arena, we have been playing around with a teeny weeny video of what sort of thing we’re going to be featuring.  This video contains a very small (and I mean small) video of the recent London Fashion Week – Fashion Scout shows featuring Judy Wu and Ashley Isham.

We’re getting to grips with editing (and filming for that matter), as a steady hand is a little difficult in a crowded area with people nudging etc. But we’re learning and raring to bring some fantastic film over the coming weeks and months.

Check out our first teeny attempt at some show coverage and get ready for some events coming up including Bath in Fashion.

Subscribe to our new Youtube channel and follow our fashion features on the blog and our new vlog.


Words and Video by: Natasha Henson 


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