Are You Missing a Step in Your Beauty Routine?
Lockdown and lack of access to a dentist have seen bad habits creep in and meant many British people have neglected their oral hygiene. Recent polls have revealed that for almost a quarter of us (23%), taking care of our teeth means brushing only once a day and only 31% floss daily. Just over two-thirds (68%) of us are brushing our teeth for the recommended two minutes.
Ignoring interdental care and basic toothbrushing can have a serious impact on oral hygiene generally, leading in some cases to gum disease and tooth decay. What many of us forget, however, is the effect tooth care, or lack of it, can have on our appearance, even if we’re being cared for by the best dentist or orthodontist. And while many of us would never consider skipping skincare, or brushing hair, why is it that teeth always seem to be left out of the basic beauty routine? After all, a nice smile can make all the difference.
When it comes to the world of dating, there’s no greater turn-off than bad breath, yet how many of us think about flossing when prepping for a night out? When wooing a new partner, the first kiss is everything but how are you going to get there if your oral hygiene isn’t up to scratch? Between 15% and 50% of people suffer from bad breath worldwide – that’s a lot of people who’re going to struggle when it comes to getting their date to lean in long enough for a smooch![1]
According to Zandielle Dental Practice hygienist Hannah Ripley, “A good flossing routine removes food particles and plaque from building up between the teeth and it’s these lingering bacteria that cause bad smells. The tongue is another bacteria hotspot, so make sure you brush your tongue to further reduce odours. DenTek has a new range of eco-friendly interdental care products that are great for cleaning that 40% of the tooth that brushing alone misses.”
“Many people don’t realise that bad breath can actually be a warning sign for more serious oral health problems, like tooth decay and gum disease, so if you’re experiencing a persistent problem, you should make an appointment with your dentist or hygienist for a check-up.”
Brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes is recommended, and this combined with interdental care are the building blocks to healthy teeth, a confident smile and fresh breath. When chatting up your future husband or wife, this is a strong start… the rest is down to good conversation skills and chemistry, right?
DenTek’s newly launched interdental brushes have been made using Birch Wood, which creates less waste and uses less energy in the manufacturing process, even than rival eco-materials such as bamboo. The wood itself absorbs less water, which means the wire brush won’t split from the handle when used in the bathroom environment. DenTek also plant more trees than they use and because birch is a climate positive material, the trees work to reduce additional carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Have you ever wondered if there was a way to take care of your teeth that doesn’t involve compromising on your green ambitions? Well, wonder no more! Following the launch of DenTek’s eco range, it’s possible to make choices that are both good for your oral hygiene and for the planet.
Images: Unsplash